Blackjack With Early Payout

Blackjack has been around in one form or another for centuries. Today, blackjack is one of the most popular casino table games. That said, the modern version of blackjack is an adaptation of the original French rules. The basic premise of the game is to make a hand with the values closest to 21 without going over 21. Face cards (J, Q, K) are valued 10 and Aces are valued either 1 or 11. Betting exchange blackjack is a game where players bet against the casino and not with each other. Prior to the dealer dealing the cards, the following terms must be understood.

Players can request cards for doubling up (a move when you feel your hand is pretty weak).

The following terms denote the actions players can take:

Hit – Draw an additional card if you wantAn Automatic Stand – PassIf the player is satisfied with the value of his hand, he should indicate an Automatic Stand by pushing the tip of his index finger in toward the centre of the gaming table. This is to indicate he is satisfied with the value of his hand.

Stand – Pass unless otherwise specified.

Double up – Double the bet after the initial dealOnce you have received your two cards, you may double the bet in accordance with the instructions on the card. Players may double the bet up to the value of double the bet. If you receive two cards, you can not double the bet. You will have an additional bet equal to your initial wager.

splitting – separating the cards into two equal hands. You must be sure that each of the cards has the same value. Must be done before dealing cards.

Doubling – Bet an additional amount specified by the on board.

Insurance – When the dealer has an Ace, a face card or any value card as his first card, you can choose to bet the house edge against the blackjack. This adds an element of risk but the edge is small.

late surrender – Doubles the bet if the first two cards are the same.

Surrender – Surrender your hand if the dealer has an Ace, a face card or 10 card.

Blackjack – Whenever the player has a good hand, he is paid 1.5 to 1 on his bet.

Blackjack, Traditional – Blackjack is played with a single 52 card deck. A dealer hits if he has from 16 to 17. The dealer must stand on a soft 17, and hit on soft 18.

The dealer hits on a soft 17, except when the dealer has a 10 and the player has a 12.

Dealer must stand on a soft 18.

Hand Value Cards – Cards valued Aces are equal to 1.

Tie, 0 – The hand is tied. Hand has 0 points.

One Card – The score is 0 points if there is no pair or better.

Insurance – The player can bet the house edge on insurance.

And, On the face of it, this looks like a very good opportunity to bet the house edge. However, the rules clearly state that the player placing the bet ‘face up’ has the first call, before the dealer. If the player had decided to bet the house edge he would have had no choice but to accept the deal, as the dealer would have no choice but to hit on any hand of 16 or lower.

So, what is the house edge in this situation?

The overall house edge is 2.7%.

It seems to me that those garage games are pretty poor return bets. That’s because the odds of winning are a bit of a mystery, as anyone skilled enough to play knows full well. It is certainly true that you can make a martingale system work, in the short term, but it is all a bit of a lotto in-a-million thing, and not really the method to go for.

In the long term, of course, the above systems – especially the negative progression systems – will fail. If you going to grinding systems, there is only one rule you should know and that is NEVER, ever play these systems. They will break you and they are really stupidly designed. Play the martingale systems methodically, and you will be quite profitable.

Oh, and never break your bank account when playing roulette.

Good luck in the long run!