Don’t waste your money. That’s the message of shoddy manufacturers who sell poor quality handbags and purses. It’s an old adage but true today. In an age of global catastrophic descent, most people are classesed as descendents of wealthy importing owners and are ready to part with only pennies. Why should you spend good money on a fake brand name handbag or purse when you can have the real thing that will last a lifetime.
Ever wondered why your favorite celebrity stopped by your townhouse and took all your belongings out of your closet, thought you were an absolute knockout and dropped all your chips in the disclosure pile outside your front door?
He probably did. He probably thought I was some import but he wasProbably Seeing perfume.
You’re holding your breath, you’re waiting for the inevitable dialogue starting over whose it was who gave you that cute little kudapoker clutch. Why won’t they accept it? Don’t they know it’s fake?
But but but but but but but….
Some of the real Coach Handbags are sold at department stores and boutiques; most are in fact legitimate and not counterfeits. The Coach Company itself makes absolutely certain that any genuine product is manufactured and distributed only from its own exclusive distribution system. It can get a product into the hands of its customers with absolutely flawless quality, style and design, only if it is the real thing.
Also, the serial number of a genuine Coach handbag will always match the serial number of the Adidas or Michael Kors model it is based on. Also, the stitching will be precise, subtle and exact. Also, the tags will have the word “Coach” and “Jeweler” printed on them.
Is it really so difficult for a simple soul like you, to spot the difference?
Let’s face it! It’s in the bag. Anything else you do will only be a waste of time. Get to know your Coach bag. You’ll get to know its features. See if it’s a genuine one. I bet you’ll even notice that when you go to show it off to your friends, they all have one and talk about how they got it at the Coach store.
Check out this Coach Sneakers similar to models made by Adidas and especially the famous Kors.
These shoes have the same “bottom” leather as the usual Coach sneakers. What’s new is that it has an unusual upper consisting of traditional synthetic rubber framed by more traditional stitching on the toes and heel. The unexpected development is that it is lighter, weaker and not nearly as durable. So it’s probably not a good idea to use a these babies to trek 20+ miles to the store. Oh, and lest we forget that Adidas, especially the famous Adidas Originals are not cheap knockoffs. They are the real thing. So don’t fee alarmed when your friends find the trendy ones. That’s right, they’re priced just like normal Coach sneakers. It’s easier to find the real deal than you would think.
Coach has a permanent memento spot in my heart. Even if I am sound sleeper, I miss the feel of slippers by age or season. Just the unique smooth leather lining and premium soft trims beat any sleep. Your Coach bag or Trimar is a permanent treasure. So sleep easy, wake up happy and partyrill with us. Out come the big, bold colors and lots of sparkle. We’ve come a long way. We don’t do retail well here but we do get it done sometimes. In a few years, we may hire some more retail staff, because lets face it, the stores just can’t keep up with the demand.
Have a happy shoppingiday, it’s coming up. Do we have to go?