Whether you are an interesting in becoming a better poker player or you already know how to play but just need some help being able to win, this review will act as your manual on the best poker strategies to win the gold at Texas Holdem.

In this day and age there is a lot of information available to provide you with the answers to better your poker skills, and such knowledge is crucial if you want to become a better poker player. One way to access such information is by reading a good book, and one of the better poker books available for sale today is Holdem Poker for Advanced Players by Arnold Snyder.
As the title suggests, this book is a condensed version of the complete massive professional training that Snyder offers himself. While the book does focus on Texas Holdem exclusively it covers a lot of other forms of poker, including Omaha, including tournaments.
Snyders new poker book comes at a price of $19.95, with a promise that it will act as your Bible if you ever want to become a better poker player. If you were ever wondering about how to become a better poker player, and want to get right into the action before others do, this is the book to have.
A few of the things that makes this book so good are that Snyder offers over 60 different advanced poker strategies, and explains these in detail along with his own personal experience. This gives you a deep look into how to REALLY play poker, and what to do rather than just read some basic instructions.
For example, Snyder offers his own tips on poker, which include such things as how to play your starting hands better, ways to build a professional poker image, and ways to get underTypes that you can win money in pots without having the best hand. Wow, what a poker player’s dream this is. An incredible thought, but possible in reality.
Snyders strategy advice is all highlighted and detailed, and backed by his own experience in moving up the poker ranks. If you are someone who is seriously struggling with their poker game, having a couple of bullets thrown in the mix could be exactly what you need to shift your tide.
This is especially relevant to the higher levels of play, because Snyder is able to riffle up some great tips, including a particular strategy on how to play in early position. This is something that not many poker books actually talk about, which makes it all the more important to learn.
Snyders strategy isn’t just limited to the tables however. He also devotes a good amount of time to exploring the mental game, and the habits of successful poker players. While many of these books and courses can be geared toward cash and tournament play, there is a lot to learn about mastering the psychology of poker here.
I have often found that the more I learn about a game, the more I gradually become a better player. Thus, if you are ever feeling like you could use some new tips, or new advice, then I highly recommend picking up Holdem Poker for Advanced Players and getting started today. Soon you will be as good as your hands and will be able to draft your own strategy for the game. How well you do in that first reading is more important than how many cards you get at the end of the book, so I would say definitely get on board today!